Alfa Romeo SZ Technical Page

How NOT to Recover a Rare MOMO Steering Wheel (10/08/11)

Some time ago I bought a spare MOMO Zagato steering wheel which needed some repair work. so I took it to a local company called Brooks Coach Trimmers, in Mansfield (UK).

Despite stressing the rarity of this steering wheel and showing them the one in my SZ, the result is truly appalling, as you can see from the pictures below.

I would never, repeat, WOULD NEVER recommend this company to anyone who cares about a job being done well. I now have to get this wheel recovered by someone who knows what they're doing!!!

Remember, DO NOT use...
Brooks Coach Trimmers, Unit 21a, 2 Wood Street, Mansfield, NG18 1QA
...unless you want this to happen to your valuable possessions!

This is shocking...don't look if you're squeamish!


The MOMO steering wheel, looks "ok" from a distance.

Bottom spoke - misaligned joint.

Bulbous joint.

Seam sticking out.

More views of the seam and poor edge finish (the edges are visible on this wheel). Also note the seams either side of the spoke.

Right hand spoke - the leather appears to be twisted.

Gaping hole in the seam.

Left hand spoke - poor finishing to seams and edge again. Note stitching and seam on the left hand side is not straight.

Stitching and join unfinished.

Rear of the right hand spoke - very poor joint and can you see where a small piece has been inserted to mask a cutting mistake?

Can you see it now?

Rear of left hand spoke - the join is of poor quality, misaligned and off-centre with a ragged finish.

Rear of lower spoke - poor join and edge finish.

Even the easy bits between the spokes didn't avoid poor workmanship - note the dimple under the leather???

Seams not joining properly.

...and if all that wasn't enough, this appalling job was done over the top of the old leather so the wheel now feels much thicker!

At least I can rip this rubbish off and try to find someone who knows what they're doing!


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