Alfa Romeo SZ Technical Page

3m Scotchgard Protective Film.

No, I haven't spelt it incorrectly, "Scotchgard" (without the U) is how they spell it...I guess it's an Americanism?

Anyway, their protective film is supposed to be excellent at preventing damage to vehicle paintwork.

The sideskirts have just been repainted on my SZ so I felt it was a good time to try this stuff out. Previously the area behind the front wheels had been pebble blasted back to the primer and is now in need of protection.

Oddly, the rears were untouched but I thought I'd do them too while I was there...

This is the stuff. Comes on a roll and with detailed instructions from the Ebay Vendor I purchased from. It's expensive stuff so only buy what you need.
First, the rear arch.

Roughly cut out the shape needed, remember they are left and right if you decide to mirror the patterns.

I found each side was different so "mirroring" didn't work!!!

I used the edge fo apencil to feel the line and mark it, like brass rubbing.

Once cut take it back to the car and check. Look for reference points to assist with placing you the sheet.

Fitted. Up close it's possible to see the edge of the sheet but froma normal viewing distance it's seamless.

Fitment is best done with water to allow movement and prevent your fingers from ruining the adhesive.

Now the freshly painted fronts.

The process is exactly the same as above, taking care to cut the sheet to size and keep checking.

I found the fronts much harder and they differed quite lot!

One point to note...we all know about the SZ/RZ paint blistering problem. This is made worse when the car is prevented from breathing (use of covers etc). I caused some blisters on my bonnet by using a plastic sheet to protect the car so I'm a little worried about what this protective sheet might do.

I haven't used the SZ since the sheet was fitted but i'll report back as soon as possible.

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